Gee, I wish I had some photos...

I’ve been inspired (and conveniently enough, encouraged) to start writing a blog. This is a strange thing for me. Though many blogs are worthwhile (a new perspective, a different background, or just some good jokes), others raise the question: what does this person’s opinion, written for millions to see, have to offer the world? Admittedly, I feel the same way about many newspaper columns. The way things are going, columnists will soon outnumber journalists – with opinions replacing actual news.

What’s really strange: As far as I can tell, the most popular columnists are the ones who are completely and utterly predictable! If you want someone who will be “left-wing”, you know whom to read. If you want someone who’s “right-wing”, there are certain columnists on whom you can depend. Whatever the issue, they'll give you the "right-wing" perspective. Actually, that makes sense. When people are confronted with issues, they will usually go straight to a friend, with whom they know they will agree. If they can’t justify what the their favourite public figure is doing, and they don’t feel comfortable with that, they can always turn to their favourite columnist, who will defend the public figure even if that figure has  done something truly ridiculous. I'm neither Left nor Right, so I guess I won’t get a newspaper column any time soon. Bummer. I make a living by writing, so that column would have been great! Oh well… I guess I’ll have to make do with a blog. Twice a week, whatever comes into my head. And I’ll try to keep this a politics-free zone (unless a politician does something cool - like confessing on national television that he's a Life on Mars fan).